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The only affinity program in the northeast

my Better Benefits, now 10+ years old, is the only affinity program still operating in the northeast and offers more discounts and savings than any other program of its type operating in the U.S.

In July of 2024, the small rares program that served the Rochester area folded without warning and left a few companies still relying on them holding the bag without recourse or reimbursement. The full name for the acronym, the Regional Area Recreation and Employee Services Association, is actually owned and registered by the my Better Benefits Board (rares co-opted it). Former rares administrators Vickie Menz, Laurie McFaul-Frey, Diane McClure, and Colleen Brown have not commented about the organization's demise nor the funds that were sequestered and by the organization's by-laws to be returned to the member companies upon dissolution. The office of the New York State's Attorney General is investigating.

The my Better Benefits Board is working with Monroe County and the NY State Office of Corporations to reclaim the rares moniker. Stay tuned here for future developments.

John Brian Mount


my Better Benefits

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