We're proud to introduce the team that runs and oversees my Better Benefits.
Tami Mitchell, Office Manager. CMA. Tami oversees the billing and general office operations of the association. She handles regular communications with HR & Benefits representatives to the association and is our first line of communication for most members. Always of pleasant disposition and willing to lend a hand even on her days away from the office, she's our sunshine on a rainy day!
Brian Mount, Administrator. Brian oversees much of the day-to-day communications of mBB and shares website updating and maintenance duties with Darryl.
Brian is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's College of Commerce and Business Administration with a BS in Marketing and an MA in Public Administration from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Brian is also a graduate of the Eli Broad school of Business Administration at the Michigan State University with an MBA and has undertaken Ph.D. studies in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Brian's career prior to mBB included admissions and enrollment management work on behalf of colleges and universities and more than a decade of service as CEO of the Regional Area Recreation and Employee Services Association (RARES).
Darryl Robbins, IT development. Blue Archer/Square. Darryl consults on IT development efforts. He assists in the development of the mBB weekly newsletter and manages the various contact lists the association uses in our Campaigner contact system. Darryl also assists with managing the association's billing and invoicing systems.
Darla Fisk, AA. Marketing Assistant.
Marilyn Mitchell, assists with PR & new member (company and vendor) acquisitions.
In 2014, mBB was chartered as a not-for-profit and in 2015, we were formally granted charitable organization status by the IRS as a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
my Better Benefits is overseen by an independently appointed Board of Directors. Members of the Board include those who have previously served on the Board of other Perks organizations such as RARES.